Thursday, March 01, 2007


On several occasions I have experimented with intentional news blockouts. During a given period of time I stop reading news online, in the papers, avoid it on the radio, and continue to almost never turn on my television. News is a terrible habit. After a while you start to believe it, follow it, and actually care about the story line. Must be similar to watching the soaps.

For the past month something different has happened. Rather than intentionally blocking out the news, I just haven't felt the urge to look it up. Here we are, a new month, and I decide to take a look.

Physical nausea hit me. My body rejected headlines. Columbine. Taleban. Clinton. Kennedy. Vietnam. Words meant to panic and/or pull me in repulsed me. BBC, New York Times, CNN, Village Voice, The Guardian, Reuters, all using the same words I have seen over and over again. Source doesn't matter. Pig fuckers, one and all, cornering the market on fnords.

Perhaps the most surreal was seeing a headline with the word 'Jesus' in it and momentarily assuming it was about me.

Delving into insanity so you don't have to.

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