Saturday, March 03, 2007

AWPC: Covert Socialism

Man: Why is it that government employees get the best wages, the best benefits, and every other Monday and Friday off for some goddamn holiday or another all on the tax payers' dime?

Jake: Because the state wants to be the premier employer to seduce everyone into working for the government. In most states government is already the single largest employer. It's covert socialism.

Man: Hardly covert. But at least we beat those damn Ruskies and showed 'em what real socialism is all about.


List with Laszlo said...

Not exactly true. Working for the "man" as a correctional officer for 17 years I've endured low cost of living raises, usually in the 2-3% range, 3 years of a wage freeze and watched my insurance rate climb from $84 a month to $347 a month with medical co-pays gone from 0 to $30 a visit. Did I mention I get 1 weekend off a month and work 2/3 of all holidays.

Unknown said...

As a former state employee I know it's not true. It's just more fun to take the opportunity to use the term Covert Socialism.

X said...


You make a good point. Every government employee I know takes a dim view of government run health care. However to the low wage schlub who gets no health coverage or paid vacation/holidays, the fact that government workers get any benefits at all makes them want The Man to give them a piece of the pie too.