Monday, March 05, 2007

Inner Nerd Connectivity

The geek within needs some feedin'. I downloaded Ubuntu, a Linux distro, and tried to get it running on my Mac. Looks nice and clean, but it failed the first and most important test. I could not get the damn thing onto the network. The live CD I burned was for the 6.10 edgy version. Right now I've got 6.06 desktop versions for both PPC and Intel downloading. If I can get it to run and like it, I want to wipe Windows from my world. It requires two very important caveats. First I need to see if WoW runs well. After reading a few articles on this, looks like a wait and see situation. Second, it has to recognize my MMC card reader. Mac OS X won't leaving me to rely on my PC for grabbing the pics from my camera.

Another possibility if I can get the wireless working with Ubuntu, wipe the iBook. The poor thing has a small drive and could benefit from the simplified OS.

Catching a ride home from work, someone commented that they have a blackboard in their house where they write down all the drinks they want to try.
Jake: We have a whiteboard in our dining room. But we tend to be nerds.

M: Nerds rule!

Jake: Yeah, our board tends to get filled with notes, art, functions, trig, and calculus equations.

G: See, he's a real nerd. You're just a video game nerd.
Everybody thinks they are a nerd. Somewhere back in the 1990's it became cool.


List with Laszlo said...

Maybe I'm not nerd enough, but Windows works fine with so many programs I use it would seem pointless to switch to another system. Is it flawless? No, but I now am running the new Vista and am very happy.

Unknown said...

Windows is a meth whore. Yeah she'll do everything you want, but she ain't pretty, she ain't elegant, she's incredibly unstable, and you never know what you're going to catch.