Thursday, March 22, 2007

An Idea

Last night I had a thought for a collaborative project. My circle of blogging friends tend to be neither right or left of the political spectrum but we all tend towards criticism. We often don't agree. Could we have fun doing a collaborative blog where each of us can post news items with our personal takes on them? We pretty much do this individually already. Why not centralize it? Yes, lots of places already do such a thing. What would the difference be? Nothing other than it would be us instead of them. Bathroom punditry. Opinions and Assholes: Everybody has them but chances are nobody wants to see, hear, or smell yours no matter how great you think it is. Yet people scour the web looking for both.

Any takers?


X said...

I have a good 2 part series I've been brewing for a couple days.

David said...

hmmm.....I'll play, but you must be prepared to hear certain expletives repeatedly.

Hey- I'm going to see Zoe Arnold tomorrow in NYC. Any messages from Jake or X I should convey?

X said...

"What a lovely day!"

Unknown said...

Brilliant! At first I thought it was a comment on the possible collaborative project. Then I quickly recognized it was a message to Zoe. And now I can't get Gibby Hanes out of my head.

"Well son, funny thing about regret is, it's better to regret something you have done, then to regret something you haven't done. And by the way, if you see your mom this weekend, be sure and tell her SATAN! SATAN! SATAN!"

List with Laszlo said...

The Knight would be willing!