Wednesday, February 14, 2007


It must really suck to live a life of privilege. Imagine being totally incompetent at the job your second in command mom got for you, her buying you the biggest tool chest in the shop, and then offering to pay for a bunch of really expensive tools that the other guys have to scrimp and save for. The rest of the guys in the shop just can't understand your terrible situation. You don't know how to buy your own tools because nobody ever showed you how. You're just trying to get by the only way you know, by having everything handed to you.

Which leads to an AWPC!
M: If my mom were paying for my tools I'd have my own optical comparator.

Jake: If my mom were paying for my tools I'd get a plastic ruler.
Actually, my mom has given me a plastic ruler she picked up for free at a trade show. My dad gave me a steel machinist's rule that he got for free from a vendor. It's tough to be so privileged.


David said...

Yeah, but your folks also gave you your contrarian attitude, your casual disregard for "authority", your inquisitive nature, and your work ethic.

You're pretty fortunate in that regard.

Please say hello to them for me, wouldja'?

List with Laszlo said...

Let's just hope his mom didn't help him with another tool of his. God knows she shouldn't help him use that one!