Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Ignorance Is Bliss

The past few days I've managed to ignore the news. This hasn't been like the times when I have made an effort to tune it out. Instead my head, when given the opportunity to view a few news article, has replied, "No. We don't need that shit." Of course the news of the Superbowl still filtered through. Given the environment in which I work it was inevitable. Impressive was that my ignorance of the outcome lasted nearly fifteen minutes in that place.

What have I to show for tuning out my online news fix? The dishes were washed, the floors swept, my face shaved, and my board waxed. Blissful ignorance has its rewards.

But for those who are total news junkies, here is a piece of exciting election news. My campaign is kicking off swell. Today when a fellow maintenance guy learned that I was a write-in candidate, he joked about me making shirts.
Jake: I've already got shirts.
M:No way.
Jake: Yeah. You can buy them online.
M: You're kidding me.
Jake: Nope. I'll show you.
So we go over to the computer and I show him my shirts at CafePress.com. He wrote down the address and promised he was going to go home and order up a button for his motorcycle jacket and a shirt. I don't even have one of the shirts. Perhaps the time has come for that to change.

Vote Jake or Don't!

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