Thursday, February 01, 2007

Makes Sense

A while back I told you about a surfing drysuit and how it would flop. Here is the competition. Ripcurl has developed the H-Bomb, a heated wetsuit.
"The theory is to apply direct heat to the body to keep the blood warm, rather than wait for nature to take its course," explains BrianBosson, Wetsuit Product Manager for Rip Curl USA.

Sound absurd? The geeks over at Popular Science Magazine didn't think so and they're featuring this revolutionary technology in an upcoming issue. Not bad for a bunch of surfers.
I've met a few Oregonian surfers who would go for this in winter time. The current practice is to throw a rash guard on under your wetsuit. I'm hot blooded enough that I can surf for hours in 50 degree water without any gloves on. Still, the heated wetsuit is a good idea.

It's all about being able to urinate while surfing.


X said...

These guys would probably consider Oregon surfers wimps.

Unknown said...

Actually, I'd say most Oregon surfers are pussies. But we could all get together and call Southern California surfers a bunch of pansies.