Thursday, January 18, 2007

Stranger than Strange

It's follow-up time with Jake!

Back to the Death by Water story. The woman who died was named Jennifer Strange. While some might find this an odd surname for an odd incident, just so happens I once dated a rather nice girl with the surname of Strange (first name Angel). But it gets stranger.
In an online recording of the show, the DJs can be heard making comments joking about people dying from water intoxication, even discussing a case in Northern California two years ago in which student Matthew Carrington, 21, died after drinking too much water during a fraternity pledge.

One of the DJs even admitted they maybe should have done some research before the contest.

One female caller, who identified herself as Eva, also phoned in to warn the radio station that drinking too much water can kill.
Eva Holt was the name of the chemistry instructor at AHS who imprinted the effects of water intoxication so heavily on friends of mine, but not me. Is that stranger than Strange? Maybe as strange. Yet not Strange at all.
A spokesman for the station's parent company, Entercom/Sacramento, said 10 staff members, including several on-air DJs, had been fired from the station over the incident.
That's just typical.


1 comment:

List with Laszlo said...

A few years ago there was an inmate where I work that died of water intoxication. He kept drinking water to "get closer to Jesus." Eventually the electrolyte balance is affected and in his case the main part of the brain seperated from the brain stem. I've also heard of people drinking lots of water to get high. I guess you can get too much ofa good thing. This is why rather the drinking 8 glasses of water a day like some of my friends I drink coffee. It's just safer.