Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Try to remember the last 50 times you broke the law. Maybe you were speeding, rolled through an intersection, illegally parked, using drugs, urinating on the curb, or raping and murdering hookers in your basement. However you were breaking the law, out of the last 50 times you did so, how many times did you get caught?

Laws and their enforcement are a very effective means to an end, aren't they?


X said...

An ex-con I once knew told me that the vast majority of people in prison are there for aggravated stupidity. Very few smart people ever get caught. I think that the legal system is simply the modern equivalent of large predators.

List with Laszlo said...

Working in a jail, I can verify X's hypothesis. See my blog on the "phone call you don't want to make!" Everyone breaks laws from time to time. It's the stupid that roll through them like bulls in a china shop, then wonder how they were singled out for punishment.