Monday, January 14, 2008

Stupid Fucking Proposal Would Shit Can Swearing in Bars

Thank you to a Jake supporter for the heads up on this one.

Some uptight assholes in a shit hole state have taken it upon themselves to act like total bastards by proposing to ban swearing in bars. They say they are interested in giving the fucking pigs a law which they can abuse to arrest hell raising bar patrons. A look at what it would ban reveals they are actually a bunch of bitchy, puritanical mama's boys.
The proposal would ban indecent, profane or obscene language, songs, entertainment and literature at bars.
The proposal itself gives me a grand idea for those wishing to protest it. So if you live in St. Louis, pay attention. Stage a bar read-in where everyone sits around drinking and reading sexually explicit books by authors like Joanna Wylde.

I'm done trying to over use profanity. It's too fucking hard.


X said...

She has a new short story that just came out, Garnets or Bust. At only $2.99 it's less than a gallon of gasoline!

List with Laszlo said...

This is fuckin' ridiculuos! First them bung holing fisters ban smoking in bars now these cock suckers want to ban swearing?

I've got news for these blow up Minnie Mouse doll fucking prudes: People go to bars to relax. Relax means to drink, smoke, swear, tell off color jokes etc to take a break from all of the politically corect polite shit we have to put up with at work!

People need a place to relax. If they don' want it at work then give us a refuge somewhere before it gets ugly.


Anonymous said...

I'm planning a group trip to St Charles soon with the focus on profane language, music, literature and hopefully... we can get some table dancing. I personally think its a publicity stunt to get in the national news as a "historic town," they're just looking for attention.