Friday, January 25, 2008

Real Economic Stimulus

I've gone off on the so-called economic stimulus package a couple of times in a couple of places. But I've often been told that you shouldn't bitch unless you have a better idea.

Honestly, I don't know that it is better but it can't be much worse than the crap they are proposing. Who the hell came up with the "Spend Your Way Out of Debt" plan?

Instead of throwing money at the problem, if you really want to create jobs domestically why not ban imports? Wouldn't that be the single most guaranteed way to create jobs in the USA? Someone has to feed our desire to consume. Why not us? Scrap NAFTA and CAFTA and all the most favored nation crap. Ban imports (or just tax the hell out of them) for one year and our economy will slam into high gear like a nitro burning funny car.

That's too easy, isn't it?


rbbergstrom said...

I love this idea. To make it work, though, you'd probably have to craft the law with an 18-month gap between passage and implementation. That way domestic businesses could ramp up production to meet the spike in demand.

rbbergstrom said...

The 18-month thing I just proposed would only be necessary if banning.

With a steep tariff (instead of a ban) you could implement it upon passage, and you'd get a brief inflation spike followed by a much stronger US economy in the long run.