Friday, January 25, 2008

The Educated Ones

70 Percent of Army Recruits Have Diplomas.
A new study by NPP, a research group that looks at military trends, has concluded that last year, barely 70 percent of new Army recruits had high school diplomas. That's the lowest number in a quarter-century.

The study also found that about 40 percent of new recruits scored in the upper half of the military's general standards tests.

The Pentagon has attacked the study, saying it's getting the recruits it needs.
This is great news! I thought our public schools were pumping out idiots left and right. Turns out that a good number of high school graduates are smart enough to not enlist.

And the military is smart enough to know that it doesn't need the smart kids. They come back either in body bags or mentally fucked, so what's the point of wasting our nation's best and brightest?

Everything is as it should be. I love you, America! You give me hope.


Anonymous said...

My question goes along with your "where are the flying cars" question you posted at one time.

Aren't we supposed to have robot armies by now? Where are the damn robot armies! As president can you hook a brother up?

rbbergstrom said...

Damnit, Brad, I was going to say that! Man, a guy just can't have an original thought today.

Anonymous said...

s' true man. . .

I am not goin; back to the 'Nam.

Oh, flashin' back,

never mind