Monday, January 28, 2008


Bush seeks to ease Americans' fears over economy.

I love honest headlines. No bending or spin on this one. Just straight up truth about Bush's intentions. He seeks to ease economic fears the same way parents will seek to ease the fears of their 10 year old cancer baby. Don't worry, Timmy. Everything will be just fine. You'll get better and then we'll go to Disney World.

But the honesty of the headline was shattered by this bizarre sentence.
His seventh State of the Union speech was a chance, however, to set the tone for his waning months in the White House and try to salvage his frayed legacy before leaving office in January 2009.
Let's see, he started off as a warmongering dip shit country club Republican, he served his time in office like a warmongering dip shit country club Republican, ran for re-election as a warmongering dip shit country club Republican, and is generally seen by most people as a warmongering dip shit country club Republican. I think his legacy is doing just fine.


List with Laszlo said...

His legacy also includes bringing the U.S. from the greatest lender nation to the greatest debtor nation. His "free trade" policies drained the U.S. of good jobs all while increasing the portfolios of his rich buds! So much for Republican trickle down economics. History will not be kind to him.

rbbergstrom said...

History will not be kind to him.

Assuming he doesn't push the button on his way out the door and ensure there's not historians left on the planet.