Friday, February 29, 2008

Sub-Prime Crisis!

You've probably been hearing a lot about the sub-prime mortgage 'crisis' recently. Even the federal government is getting in on it. Many of our esteemed politicians are making lots of noise about helping people to stay in their homes. The most touted 'solutions' involve subsidizing loan payback relief or having the government buy up the loans with renegotiated and reduced interest. All done to help the poor suffering constituents who are indanger of being booted from their homes.

LIES! This is not about keeping people in their homes. This is about making sure the banks get paid. When financial institutions make loans they supposedly calculate risk and assume most folks will pay and there might be a few foreclosures. When the housing market was strong foreclosures were a minimal risk. The bank could turn around and resell a piece of shit fixer-upper at near market value. Now with the housing market failing, a foreclosure is a genuine liability. And there are a lot more foreclosures than they had expected. A lot!

Responsibility, people. For those who fell into a sub-prime mortgage situation and are now about to lose the dream home you never thought you could afford, guess what? You couldn't afford it. Sorry. It is time for you to regroup and re-assess. It sucks. Give up the mobile phone, brew a pot of coffee instead of hitting Starbucks, trade your Hummer in on a Schwinn and start over. You got suckered. Don't let it happen again.

As for the banks, I want your heads on spikes in the public plaza. You deliberately tried to fuck over as many people as possible. Telling you to just eat your losses doesn't just fuck you over, it fucks everybody. The only reasonable solution at this point is to burn all banks, burn the Federal Reserve and return to a real measurable standard of currency such as gold or cocaine. Even the old Greenbacks would be preferable. The banks are the compulsive gamblers in the family. When they are on a winning streak they keep raising the stakes. When they lose we have to pick up the tab. Screw that!

Realistically we can't round up the bankers and chop off their heads. Don't expect the likes of Obama and his sub-prime lending cronies to help you out of this one. Most of the other candidates are even worse! I've always been clear on my policies. The Fed must go. In fact, the top folks at the Fed and the major banking institutions that helped create and perpetuate the Federal Reserve System all need to be banished, outlawed. While what they did was not technically illegal, it was foul and directly contrary to the pursuits of life, liberty and happiness for all except themselves. They are not wanted here. They are a threat to the citizenry. There is no place for them here. Let them run away to Argentina like Nazis did after WWII.

In exchange for shutting down the Fed and kicking all the bankers out of the country, all I want is Kykuit.

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