Monday, February 25, 2008

New Campaign Headquarters

After a scouting mission this weekend, the Vote Jake campaign is moving its public headquarters to a new location. It didn't really have an old location, so the move should be painless.

The new campaign headquarters is the Lucky Devil Lounge. Why would we choose a gentleman's club as campaign HQ? While they call themselves a Gentleman's Club, they are welcoming of people of all genders. So am I. It is also Portland's first and only smoke-free strip club. They did this voluntarily. I strongly support the establishment of smoke-free environments on a voluntary basis. No one should be forced by law to ban smoking. But they also welcome smokers and have provided a heated patio section for them to escape to. It is also a great place to escape to when the DJ decides to deviate from the Marilyn Manson, Nine Inch Nails, and Pantera mix to play Michael Jackson songs. I also encourage private support of the arts. The performers featured at Lucky Devil are very talented artists. The spunky and acrobatic performances of Gypsy are well worth your support. And Mirage was kind enough to pin a Vote Jake campaign button to her panties for us. Artists like these two definitely make the new headquarters a value added venue. The patterned velvet wallpaper is also a nice touch.

Mirage did have a couple of policy questions for me. First and foremost, would I legalize? Legalize what? She wasn't specific but she didn't have to be. I would work to legalize everything I could. Guns for those who would like to have them. Drugs for those who would like to use them. Nudity for those who would like to shed their clothes. Same sex marriage, group marriage, short term marriage, and even self marriage. Get rid of laws and get rid of those who enforce laws.

Which lead to a second question about crime and violence. Logically if you get rid of laws you immediately get rid of all crime. Fear and violence are another matter. Personally I don't feel policing, especially at a federal level, is the way to handle these situations. Much policing would still be done at a local level. You can't stop communities from trying to uphold the values they believe in. We can take away all federal intervention in the process. The FBI, CIA, DEA, ATF, FDA, DHS, FCC, and other agencies dedicated to Federal level regulation of morality should be done away with.

How successful do I expect to be in doing this when elected? Not very. Unlike some Presidents, I recognize that there are other branches of government designed to keep crackpots like me in check when in public office. It won't stop me from trying. If the house and senate want to keep funding these agencies they'll have to do so without my signature. Which should be natural for them since they have been ignoring me and those with similar opinions for as long as I have been in this country (my entire life).

1 comment:

List with Laszlo said...

If the Lucky Devil Lounge is your new headquarters and you support legalization then I approve.