Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Steady Progress

My NaNoWriMo progress has been an extremely steady rise. Very cool to see. I still don't have a clue what this book is about.
I interrupted Milton. “All those dullards are still part of the chaos information flow. Sure, the extremes is where all the really fun deviations are occurring, but it’s the hump of the bell curve that defines the shape of reality. You should get to know a few regular folks on a personal level. With the right kind of mind, they can be quite fascinating.”

“Fuck the hump. Banal sacks of shit. And fuck their reality. I’m changing reality as we speak. I’m planting the ideas that will shape the future. In 50 years they’ll be lucky to be even half way to where I’m at right now. It’s more likely that they’ll still be in their fucking McMansions trimming their lawns to 1.5 inches and flipping through 281 channels of shit meant to program their heads without a real thought. Fuckers can’t process shit. Probably wouldn’t even know that a fart stinks if they didn’t see it on the Discovery Channel. I’ve seen the shape of the reality they have created and it sucks ass.”

Jumping in again, “it only takes a few lines of code to generate a fractal.”

“And it only takes five lines and a circle to draw a stick figure but it still isn’t art. Fractals are simple chaos. Reality is massive chaos. And it’s their fucking retarded thinking that keeps that massive chaos from achieving anything close to its actual potential. That’s what held back computer science for so long. Fucking engineers trying to break everything down into simple code that was easily understood. On, off. On, off. Someone suggests that they add a third circuit for ‘maybe’ and they start to freak out. What they really needed was a variable circuit. On, off, and everything in-between. Pretty simple stuff, really. Even that they want to control. Damn it, let the computer decide how close to on or off it is. No need to control that. They think the computer can’t handle it. We can handle it man. THEY can’t handle it. Always afraid that the computers will rise up against them. Computers aren’t going to rise up against them any more than they are going to rise up against the dolphins.”

“Did you just say, ‘We can handle it?’”

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