Thursday, November 03, 2005

Great Minds

Johnny Cash could cover anybody's songs and they'd sound great.

Anybody could cover Bob Dylan's songs and they'd sound great.


X said...

Ironically, Bob Dylan can't cover other people's songs, and nobody can do justice covering Johnny Cash.

Unknown said...

I concur.

Unknown said...

I thought of one exception. Social Distortion did a damn fine job covering Ring of Fire.

Bree O'Connor said...

Love you.
Both wrong.
Dylan had once had a pretty good time covering Woody Guthrie, or does that not count because it does not match up with your stylistic criterea because folk music is actually intended to be covered?

And who would want to hear Dylan cover some lame-ass, sub-poetic, gutter snake? His own voice is too well defined. It would be unfathomable to think that Bob couldn't think up words of his own on any given subject of interest to him.

Sorry. I just can't seem to shut up this evening. I just have 20 minutes to kill before I can watch George Carlin. Sorry.

Unknown said...

I disagree because I'm speaking in glittery over-simplifications. Of course there are exceptions within every model. Destroy all absolutes! Smash the state! God is on our side! Eat more sticky buns!

X said...

How's a guy supposed to make sweeping generalizations regarding a subject about which he knows next to nothing if the facts keep getting in the way?