Friday, November 11, 2005

Credit Where Due

I want to publicly thank my dad for coming home from work and constantly bitching about the lazy mother fuckers who just wander from machine to machine socializing. I had no idea what exactly he was talking about and wondered why these people just didn't get fired. Now I see them every day. These people wander about, playing catch with knotted up rags, trying to chat up the girls, and generally ignoring their work area. Then I, as maintenance, have to go over and 'fix' their machines because they're so filthy they are no longer working right. It's my job to fix them, so I spend five minutes cleaning all of the crap out, and they run great. Then these same people wonder why they don't get raises or promotions.

You want to mess around and slack off at work? Fine. Just don't go creating work for me. When I come over and tell you that I cleaned the shit off of one of your sensors, that means you aren't doing your job. When I clean parts out from under the drive unit to keep your belt from jamming, that means you aren't doing your job. When I run pipe cleaners through your rivet tubes so the parts can keep up, that means you aren't doing your job. We're told we have to fix these problems regardless. Well, just don't get pissed when we haven't had time to make replacement parts for when a real problem occurs.

And thanks, dad. Due to your constant gripes about these types of people, I am now one of those hard working individuals who can bitch about the lazy mother fuckers who just wander from machine to machine socializing.

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