Monday, September 17, 2007

The Crime of Sin

The United States has become a den of sin, a perpetrator of crimes against humanity. Alcohol, tobacco, sex, porn, drugs, prostitution, gambling. In a decent society these things would be readily available to all who wanted to indulge in such. But we live in a country where the morality of the minority dictates the crimes of the masses. And we as a country continue to support a government that stands behind such sinful behavior.

If I were to wake up in the middle of the night and wanted a blow-job without disturbing my wife, why should I not be able to hire a willing prostitute to perform this service? And what If I wanted to smoke a combination of cavendish tobacco and fine turkish hash in my pipe while said prostitute felates me? Should that trouble you? And if I challenge the prostitute to a game of roulette where the winner is determined by where my semen lands as a crowd of individuals watch us and place bets while drinking forties, is that really any of your business? It is you who would restrict such behavior who are the true sinners.

1 comment:

List with Laszlo said...

Here, here! Restriction is the sin. None of those behaviors has any affect on me in the least. It is your right and those willing to participate. No one is being forced to do anything they don't want to. Those who don't wish to get BJ's while smoking hash don't have to.