Saturday, December 30, 2006

That's New

I woke up early, drove the wife to work, and saw the sun rising over Portland and giving a nice back lighting effect to Mt. Hood. As a swinger I don't see that very often. Is that the right terminology? Let's see what does swinger mean... Oh! I meant as a swing shifter. Second shifter? I mean I'm not a morning person and my lifestyle manifests this in ways other than just bitching about it like everyone else. So as I saw the sun rising beyond Mt. Hood I thought, "It would be awesome to go surfing right now." Alas, no wet suit yet. Soon, soon.

Then there is the other new thing I've been experimenting with. I work with this 21 year old gal who is very cute, very sweet, and represents everything I have ever hated about typical Americans. She drives an SUV for no particular reason. She gets dressed up and puts on loads of make-up and perfume to go out dancing at the clubs. She likes cover bands because she already knows all the songs. She considers herself Christian because she was raised Christian, even though she only goes to church on major religious holidays and parties four or five nights a week. She is oblivious to just about anything happening outside of the mainstream culture. For example, we had to explain to her who Gandhi was and she had never heard of Genghis Khan. So far the only major curve ball she has thrown my way is that she likes Bauhaus but didn't know who Depeche Mode was. Her 23 year old sister also works with us. While not quite as stereo-typical a specimen as her younger sister, she is not far from it. For some reason I have yet to figure out, these two gals have taken a liking to me. They sit with me on breaks, like to chat with me while work on their machines, try to get me to go out with them for drinks after work, and have even invited me to parties. Yes, they know I am married and have even met my wife.

Regardless of why they are enamoured with me, I am absolutely enthralled with these two girls. If we had gone to high school together I would have hated them. Now they fascinate me. What makes them who they are? How do their heads work? What does life look like for someone like that? Most importantly, is it possible to corrupt their operating systems? Are these types of people more than just robots? Is it possible to undo a cultural consumer?

Why would I want to do this? Because I'm evil. Duh. And if I can wyrd out these girls, corrupt their routines and sub-routines, there is hope for the rest of America. But mostly because I'm evil.

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