Monday, December 04, 2006

Dr. Merkwürdig

...or how I learned to stop worrying and love the mall.

That's right, I'm teaching myself to enjoy going to the mall. Not the shopping aspect. That is still bullshit. But I figured out that if I really want to fulfill my life long dreams, I should get comfortable in mall like settings.

It first occurred to my while walking through Lloyd Center. I looked around at the totally enclosed space with no windows on an outside world. There were people crowded into the hallways. I realized that life in an orbital colony would be very similar. Space would be at a premium. If you weren't in your small living space, the commons would almost certainly have a lot of people milling about. Granted, it wouldn't all be shops, but the feel would be very similar to a mall.

Since it is my dream to live in space, I am preparing myself. I can now go to the mall and enjoy myself. I even had a decent time this weekend. Of course wearing a kilt and having all the women and girls checking you out helps. was a genius.

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