Friday, December 22, 2006

End Times

May the next six years be filled with strange and mind bendingly bizarre experiences. In six short years we should know if Terrence McKenna with his Novelty Theory was full of shit. Personally I hope he was right and things get massively weird in that last year. Existence as I currently know it stagnates and replicates like a hillbilly. Give me novelty or give me something crunchy and exciting with asian spices. Or a really sweet wave to surf. Or maybe just legalize drugs so I don't have to deal with the fact that I walk amongst the living dead.

1 comment:

X said...

When I compare the world of today with the world of 6 years ago, I realize that things are massively weird already.

By the way, the Wikipedia Entry for Novelty Theory has been marked for deletion. Better archive it while you can.