Thursday, February 02, 2006


With the shift changed next week, one of the maintenance guys threw a fit about not getting put on day shift. He yelled about the troubles of day care and how he could only work days.

When they hired him, he said in his interview that he could work any shift.

If this was a union shop they could tell him, "Listen buddy. Every maintenance guy here has seniority over you. That means you get to fill in the schedule gaps. You get what's left over." But we're all 'at will' employees, unfortunately. If the choice were mine, I would have said, "You can only work days, huh? We only have an opening for you on swing. See ya later." Pink slip him. He's lucky. Instead they traded him off to dirty, stinky Plant One where he can stay on his weekend day shift.

Too bad, really. The guy who threw a fit insists on being called Michael. I had designs on calling him Mikhail, Mikey, Mongrel, Montana, Ichaelme, Ishmael, Ahab, Leahcim, anything except Michael.


Bree O'Connor said...

It's pretty amazing how you'll say damn near anything to get a job when you have to feed your family.

Even funnier the things you'll say when you feel safe enough to make waves.

Don't be a dick, dude. Most sitters make more than the people they work for. You do the math.

Bree O'Connor said...

It occurs to me that it might seem that I am siding with the whiny guy. I do not advocate that he gets what he wants just because he whines about it. Hardly. The job is the job and if you can't work nights you must not misrepresent yourself.

No. I just meant don't be a dick on a person to person level. It's pretty easy to freak out about some things and if the shoe were on the other foot it would really pinch the fuck out of your toes.

Unknown said...

I really wanted graveyard because it would save my household a bundle in transportation expenses. I didn't get it. Tough shit. I shrug, smile, and get on with things.