The Voyager deck was my first set of tarot cards. A friend of mine's boyfriend had purchased her the deck. She tried to use them a few times, but the cards are ridiculously huge compared to most decks. While visiting them I made the comment that cards that size were meant for hands my size. Right there she gave me the deck.
The Voyager tarot is an interesting deck. The images on the card are very well done photo collages that try to embody the symbols and meanings of each card. You are just as likely to find an ancient statue of Apollo as you are to find an image of the Apollo 13 module. This deck is 100% touchy feely new age mysticism. For some reason, this deck has also had an uncanny ability to cast light on almost any situation I have posed to it. Drives me nuts sometimes. It was the new age style of this deck that in part made me decide to get Aleister Crowley's Thoth deck.
After years of not touching the Voyager deck, the eerie connection is still there. It tells me exactly when to stop shuffling. It still lays out an uncanny spread that sheds light on the situation at hand. It still drives me nuts. The choices after the fact are mine. It is nice, however, to have a tool for seeing things from new perspectives.
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