Friday, July 25, 2008

Your Best 'Choice' for President

Many of my kind try to hide it. There is no need for secrecy anymore. Aliens walk among us. Or rather, we walk among you. Go check out Exposing Reptilians for a partial list.

If you read through the list of prominent politicians who are reptilians, aliens, hybrids, or controlled by one of the former you will notice that John McCain is a hybrid and Obama isn't on the list.

I, on the other hand, am a reptilian shape-shifter. I perform dark rituals and drink human blood. I've also seen myself change into a reptile and back again. Others have seen it, too. I wish somebody would have told me that it makes me part of the Rich And Powerful Elite. No bother. Now I've found out and can take my rightful place as your alien overlord.

And to you insect people/aiens who are hiding among the humans... Get off my planet!

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