Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I Hate You Ronald Reagan

Her: Would you say pot or alcohol is worse?

Me: I wouldn't say one is worse than the other, just some people are worse than others.

Her: I'm just asking everyone because I'm pissed off. They got rid of (guy) for smoking pot. He's been here three years and never called in and always did his job and they piss test him and he's out of here for something he maybe did two weeks ago.

Me: I blame Reagan. Work place drug testing was his deal.

Her: What an asshole! He was a Republican, right?

Me: Yeah.

Her: God. Him and Bush. What fuckers!

1 comment:

List with Laszlo said...

It is nuts. I have random drug testing too. If a guy fucks up and has an accident and he appears to be drunk or stoned, by all means test away. There's cause. I've always felt this raqndom testing is a violation of my fourth amendment rights.