Friday, September 16, 2005

Journal Entry

I've journaled for several years now. I have over a dozen volumes of the stuff. But for once, I want to share something that I journaled the other day. It says a lot about how I feel right now. Here goes...

I like getting dirty at work. I like the oil and coolant and the funky industrial smells of the factory. I like the filth under my nails and the cuts on my fingers. I like going out to public places without showering after work, smelling like a 'working man'. Now I get to move into maintenance and make machines run. I can honestly say, That Is Fucking COOL! I love it! I really do. All through my childhood people acknowledged my intelligence and creativity and tried to push me into a more professional track. But this, this I love. And right now I feel really good about moving out west and starting over. I may need money, but I feel good about who I am and what I do. And I feel happy that I figured this out fairly early on in my life. And I feel glad that I worked the office scene first so that I can truly appreciate what I've got now. I'm a dirty, smelly, working man.


List with Laszlo said...

Dude, I concur! A guy who works and looks like it is what this country is about! Anyone who says otherwise is a welfare load or a snob. Both of them can kiss my ass!

X said...

Well this desk jockey here is jealous. I wish I could burn all this fucking paperwork and just work on the job site. Okay, I think this calls for a full-fledged rant.