Friday, September 23, 2005

Drug Test Lotto

Thursday was "Random Pee Day" at work. It's that day when the folks in the office pick people at random, have them urinate in a small plastic cup, and if they screw it up, they get fired.

Let's put aside that Reagan's Nazi Regime implemented this and made certain that it was all nice and legal despite it's obvious violation (IMHO) of the 4th Amendment of the US Constitution. Especially considering that to win a government contract you have to have a drug testing policy in place. But that's all another issue. Let's just forget about that for a moment.

What if, along side the punishments for failing, they gave out prizes for passing? Give employees a reason to actually want their name drawn in order to remove some of the negative connotations associated with random drug testing. I suggest a weekend in British Columbia or an all expenses paid trip to Amsterdam.

1 comment:

X said...

For some reason I read "Reagan's Nancy Regime". It didn't change the meaning.