Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Illegal Immigrant

I was all ready to continue an argument on Facebook over someone agreeing with this guy.
Install microchips in illegal immigrants, GOP candidate says

Instead of building a border fence to help stem illegal immigration, the U.S. government should implant microchips into immigrants before deportation, much like what is done with pets, Pat Bertroche, an Urbandale physician and one of seven Republicans running in the 3rd District Congressional primary, said Monday.
Almost got snared into an FB debate. YIKES!

So instead I come here where my voice can stand alone with the occasional Korean porn entrepreneur commenting in an attempt to fish up some traffic.

Let's start with this whole bag 'em and tag 'em approach. Sounds like a whole lot of money down the drain. Say the United States were to do such a thing. We spend a whole hell of a lot of money on chips, medical staff to implant them, and technology to track them. Then we ship them back across the border where black market doctors remove them. Or maybe they just get real good at digging them out with rusty knives. Or they ditch the device in some other way. Then they come back across and if they get caught they do it all over again. Not only does it waste money, it would inflate the perceived immigration problem. I'm surprised a so-called conservative would advocate for such a wasted expenditure and flamboyant expansion of government.

Next, let's consider this whole damn immigration thing. Let's face it, they mean Mexicans. I've known a few Canadians who have resided in the United States illegally and they never, ever have worried about getting caught. Even the Russians and Slavs and other 'white' immigrants don't have nearly the police hassle. Cops don't pull them over for 'driving while white'. Some have even shared stories with me about tricking dumb cops with total bull. "It's an international driver's license. It allows me to drive anywhere." A Mexican trying that would get hauled in. So when we talk about curbing illegal immigration, it's really a thinly veiled yet socially acceptable racial slur. Claiming otherwise is like claiming the KKK is a social club.

As for the language, this country purchased holdings from the French and naturalized the French speaking residents. It also got land from Spain and naturalized the Spanish speaking residents. Throughout the vast majority of American civilization, nobody in what we know of as the United States had ever even heard a single word of English. American English is our common language, not our national language. Someone coming here will do well to learn it but if they can get by without ever speaking a word of it, more power to them. The English speakers came to this continent and managed to supplant the languages already in use. Then again, they had gun powder on their side.

Which segues into what will be my last point (because I don't feel like rambling any more than this already has). The 'Mexicans' are quite often mestizo with some indigenous heritage as part of the mix. Quite frankly, some of their ancestors were roaming around this continent long before whitey came on the scene. How dare we call them illegals in the land we stole from them. If you don't like them wandering around wherever they please just as their ancestors did for MILLENIA, go back to wherever you came from you racist white illegal immigrant!


Unknown said...

Just to be clear...

You want to kick out illegal immigrants? Fine. I disagree but I can do so respectfully as a difference of opinion and can even concede some legitimacy in your arguments. Supporting the legislated racial profiling in Arizona makes you a racist and complicit in racially motivated crimes against humanity. It won't be as bad as when all the Germans had to come to terms with being complicit in the ethnic cleansing taking place in their country (I hope) but just by a matter of degrees.

List with Laszlo said...

Actually working in a jail in Minnesota I do see illegal Canadians kicked out all of the time and no one calls us racists against Canadians. They just happen to be our border to the north.

For the record implanting chips is people is a horseshit idea.

rbbergstrom said...

So, yeah, Canadians do sometimes get kicked out of the U.S. But unless you're wearing a tuque, nobody's gonna pull you over and check your ID because you look Canadian.

This ugly new law in Arizona empowers the cops to pull people over because they look like they might be a foreigner. In other words, because of their skin color. That's fucked up.

rbbergstrom said...

Question: Was the statement about Korean porn made before or after the first comment on this post? I'm hoping before, 'cause that'd be funnier.

Unknown said...

Korean porn statement made before the first comment was left.

List with Laszlo said...

This 'Ugly new law' is simply the Federal Law now passed at the State level. Already 100% upheld by the US Supreme Court.