Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Worker Overtime: A Postition Statement

Let's outlaw overtime. Not the practice of paying overtime. Hell no! Let's outlaw having to work overtime. All overtime. Mandatory or voluntary, let's end overtime hours.

As long as we have people unemployed who would like to find work, why the hell do other people get paid a modest bonus to sell a little bit more of their life away? Not good. Force those companies to hire the staff they need! Force them to give those people the benefits they deserve. Then take a little time to actually live your life rather than selling it away for a mere pittance so people who made errors in their production scheduling can get a big fat bonus. Screw them! Let's recognize workers as the precious resource they are instead of tricking them into being bum licking whores. If companies want that order out on time they can damn well learn how to staff for it!

I still stand behind my old position that we should do away with the minimum wage and replace it with a maximum wage. No person, not even a CEO, should make more than ten times what the lowest paid person makes. Impose that restriction and the minimum wage will skyrocket.

Yet another reason Corporate America will never let me get elected.

1 comment:

Phil R. said...

more people need to listen to you.