Friday, September 11, 2009

Obama's Health Care Speech Blow-by-Blow

And boy did much of it blow. Still, I had to rubber neck through the whole ordeal, unable to turn away from the great capitalist sell-out that offers a health care plan such as only a messed up American corporate run democracy could offer. I've seen fewer concessions at a state fair.

You can watch, or just take my word for it.

Times are approximate.

5:30 Applause comes to an end. Five and a half freakin' minutes.

18:00 Finally gets around to actually discussing health care reform.

23:00 Agrees with John McCain who proceeds to give the universal sign of what politicians keep in their backsides.

24:00 Announces that people will be required to have insurance if they can afford it likening it to everyone being required to have auto insurance if they drive. So just like if you don't want to pay for auto insurance you can stop driving, you will now have the option to stop breathing if you don't want health insurance.

30:00 Public option will only be available to people who don't have insurance, so like millions of others I'm still stuck with my crappy ass Kaiser plan.

34:00 Pelosi is winding down her standing ovation, is about to sit, then straightens back up to clap some more. For her age she is still an enthusiastic cheerleader, showing up Biden's lack of 'spirit'.

35:30 Kindly kicks the Bush administration in the nuts for spending too much money. Just nice and gentle like.

36:30 "Sacred Trust". Because both of those words are completely unambiguous especially when paired.

40:30 Republicans spontaneously ejaculate when he mentions tort reform.

43:00 "Common Ground". I mean, he had to say it at some point.

43:20 Says he will listen to anyone's ideas unless he thinks you are a big meanie.

44:40 Plays on politicians sense of self importance, "Too many Americans are counting on us."

45:00 Plays the Teddy Kennedy card to try and pick up a few tricks.

52:10 Reminds atheists and many people of different religions this land is not their land. While this is primarily a corpratocracy masquerading as a democracy, it is also a thinly veiled theocracy. "God bless the United States of America."

And somewhere in there he pisses me off by stating that no public money will go for abortions.

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