Friday, September 25, 2009

Hidden Nukes Again

Hey, it worked with Iraq. Let's get all alarmist over hidden nukes again!
BBC NEWS | Iran 'concealed nuclear facility'

Iran concealed a partially-built second uranium enrichment plant in defiance of calls for transparency over its nuclear plans, US President Barack Obama says.
So what if Iran does have a hidden nuclear agenda? What if they are secretly amassing WMD's? That's the problem with crying wolf.

1 comment:

List with Laszlo said...

Let's say they do. How is this a US problem? I'm sick the fuckin' death of cleaning up other people's problems. If they can hit Europe or Isreal let them deal with it.

Not to mention the fact there is a growing opposition in Iran itself with pro-western leanings. Let them topple their government. If we get involved like everyother family they will unite and we'll have more decades to deal with their Theocratic government.