Friday, September 04, 2009

Don't Buy Craftsmen Tools

At least not right now.

In the midst of contract negotiations the CEO of SK Hand Tools, makers of Craftsmen Tools, decided to cut off health insurance benefits. Which kind of sucks for those who need it. To make matters worse, he didn't bother telling his employees until after he had done so.
Support builds for SK strikers

Local 743 declared an unfair labor practices strike August 25 when SK Hand Tools CEO Claude Fuger refused to restore health care benefits that were unilaterally cut off last May amid ongoing contract negotiations. The local is seeking redress before the National Labor Relations Board, but called the strike to force Fuger to move faster.

The situation is urgent. Many of the workers at SK Hand Tools--which makes the popular Craftsman brand for Sears--have serious health issues that have put them tens of thousands of dollars in debt.
Can you imagine going in to get your much needed insulin and instead of the $40 copay you all of a sudden have to fork out a few grand?

Pay for insulin or die? Pay for insulin or die? Health care choices in the great American health care system where private insurance can really let you down. Especially when your boss unexpectedly cancels your insurance.

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