Saturday, February 21, 2009

It's Been Done, but is Worth Doing Again

They did it in Italy when they elected Chicholina. Now there is a call in the United States to make famous porn star Stormy Daniels a Senator.
Push to make porn star a senator no stunt, fan says

I have to get the obvious joke out of the way. Government is always out to fuck you and Stormy Daniels has shown considerable talent in that department.

Which is a total lie. Government fucks EVERYBODY. In comparison Ms. Daniels has only fucked a few select people. That could be a welcome change.

And who better to represent a state famous for its annual Mardi Gras celebrations?

I encourage voters in Louisiana to vote for Stormy. Current Senator Vitter (Republican) paid for sex when he could have been getting it for free. Stormy got paid to have sex. That's sound fiscal policy.

1 comment:

List with Laszlo said...

If we got the likes of her in the Senate maybe more people would watch what they were up to on the cable channel.