Sunday, May 31, 2009

Something Positive

I've been waiting for something really nice to say about President Obama. I finally found it in a piece of pulp reporting.
Obamas enjoy a date on Broadway

The presidential date ended with a performance of August Wilson's play, Joe Turner's Come and Gone.
Sure, it's a piece of political celebrity trash to feed the masses. Sure, Republicans are getting on his case for taking a quick trip to New York for a date with the first lady when he should be escaping to his Texas ranch to clear brush like a real President.

With my background in theater and knowledge of Broadway plays, the President made a damn good choice. Racist assholes could make the case that of course the first black President would go see a black Broadway show. My own humble opinion is that August Wilson is one of the best damn playwrights this country has ever known. It sure beats the hell out of suffering through Gypsy.

Good choice, Obama. I'd still like to see him cutting down some Bushes in Texas.

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