Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sanctimonious Hypocritical Preaching by the Imperials

I loved the title of the article so much I just had to keep it as the title of the post.
Sanctimonious hypocritical preaching by the imperials - Pravda.Ru

Between extremely complicated election laws, requiring armies of lawyers, double standards for the major parties to the exclusion of third parties, dirty tricks, intimidation, and a media hell bent on serving the power politic and not the people, the system makes sure that reelection rates to the US Congress stay at or above a 95% rate. Most senators die or retire, the only way to clear them from their seats. But what a job, 4 months of actual work, high perks, the ability to be bribed at will (both branches of the One Party system feed from the hands of pretty much the same special interests), tax payer paid retirement and pensions after one stint, and many many other benefits. This on top of the right to vote in your own 10% yearly raise, while most of their constituents have not seen a raise above 3% in 20 years.
Lovely. Because truth, even when it is the ugly, garish truth, is lovely.

And there is nothing quite like calling a spade a spade even if it may seem like the pot calling the kettle black and any number of other old bits of folk wisdom that may fit the bill.

I've been asked more than a few times, mostly at work, why foreigners hate Americans so much. I tell them it is because they, much like ourselves, identify the people of this country with the government that is the public face of the country. That, and we as Americans tend to act like a bunch of spoiled rich kids. We cry about how hard we work for so little when our so little is a hell of a lot. Do we deserve more? Damn straight we do! And so does everyone else on this planet. But let's face it, we let an asshole get away with a rampant killing and torture spree while wrapping ourselves in the American flag. It was right and good of us to do all this because we are Americans!

We don't hold a monopoly on democracy. Our system of democracy is old. Really old. There has to be quite a bit of room for improvement. And when we go stomping around the globe with no regard for the people we crush under foot along the way, we are spitting on the ideals the nation was founded upon. Except for the fact that the our democracy was originally set up by a bunch of rich, white, land owning business men with the idea of creating a veil of opportunity while progressing their own agendas unfettered. That part of the American Dream® is still going strong.

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