Friday, November 28, 2008

Getting the Speech

I finally got to hear the corporate America anti-union speech. And yes, the CEO pulled us all off of the factory floor for 45 minutes to tell it to us. Actually, it was only a small piece of a much larger presentation, but it was still exciting.

He told us how unions destroy every industry they touch and the only reason the big 3 auto makers need a bailout right now is because the unions have bled them dry and that unions were unable to survive outside of the auto industry and its support industries. Because it would be obvious to everyone that the meat packers union is to blame for there being no meat at the grocery stores and that the unions at the breweries have destroyed the profitability of American beer. Not to mention what the sex worker's union has done to this country.

I'm anti-union also. Unions have a hierarchical structure. I'd much rather gather up the suits by the dumpsters, shoot them, and then don't replace them with any leaders. But its real hard to organize people to do that. They find out that it would still be classified as murder (instead of liberation or emancipation) and sour on the idea. Oh, they talk big, but they've got no action.

What really shocked me about the anti-union speech at work? It was clear the CEO truly believed what he said. He wasn't trying to force feed propaganda and lies but just sharing his view point. Of course he was dead wrong and the researchable facts are against him. But facts have never gotten in the way of a strong Belief System.

His speech made me feel a bit Wobbly.

1 comment:

List with Laszlo said...

Of course the big three's multi million dollar CEO salaries have nothing to do with profitability! The head of GM's money losing SUV division gets $34 million a year to preside ove lost money.

If employers actually let the profit trickle down to the workers there would be no need for unions. History has shown they don't.

These same CEO's that don't want unions demanding decent pay and benefits are the same ones asking us workers to use OUR tax money to bail them out.

Prior to unions the average worker worked 10 hours a day six days a week, no vacations, no paid holidays, no insurance, no pension.

'nuff said.