Friday, April 13, 2007

Dream Journal

This one was a definite sharp left turn. Usually I can pick up quite quickly on most of the symbols present. This one mixed too many more obscure ones that don't pop up often.
I decide to make magic mushroom tacos for my friends. I make up three different types of fillers; beef, chicken, and vegetarian. I mix them with cheese, lettuce, the magic mushrooms, and store each in its own Viking horn. We get together, break out the wraps, and make tacos. Some take from their favorite horn while others mix up from different horns. We all get very well fed and I know I need to drive us all home before the drugs come on too strong, and I can already see the effects. Writing on park benches and the sides of buildings has started to leap off like a reticulated 3d image and people's faces have taken on an auric glow.
Mmm, Viking Magical Mystery Tacos.

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