Thursday, November 05, 2009

Remember, Remember the 5th of November

This November 5th - Multi Freedom Candidate Mass Donation Day

Remember, remember, don't get suckered this November.

Sucker yourself!

Give money. Lots of it. To people who will stand up and fight for what you believe in. As long as you believe exactly what they do. Even when they get elected and change their minds. To people who wear suits because they are expected to. To people who wear smiles because they have been told to.

Support psuedo-libertarians for psuedo-revolution!

Or buy a Vote Jake button.


The New World said...

why should I support liberals?

Unknown said...

I hate you.

Give me money.

I mean, that's what all politicians really think. I'm just being honest. I don't give a shit about your vote, just send me your cash.