Saturday, October 31, 2009

Obama the Pot President?

Pot Will Save Us
In order to save itself from financial oblivion, the state of California seems inclined to just do it. Just say yes. To become Amsterdam.

It may be the biggest thing to come out of the financial meltdown. We won’t get meaningful reform of the banking system, but we’re going to get legalized pot...

So forget health care. Obama is going to be the pot president. Hell, Franklin Roosevelt, in his Depression, saw the end of prohibition.
So the nation elects a black President and pot gets legalized (at least in California, maybe). It's a really good idea to legalize. I'm all for it. Hitching it to Obama is a bad idea. A really bad idea. Lay this one on Schwarzenegger. Let the Republicans have this win. Calling Obama the Pot President is just more fodder for the good-old-boys (and girls).

Like those folks in my home town who thought drugs came to town because of a single black family moving in. It had nothing to do with it being the late 1960's and the town's position at the intersection of a couple of major interstate highways. Nope. It was dem coloreds. Honest injun.

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