Friday, April 17, 2009

Unemployed Leeches

I am not judging, I'm just saying...

For a couple of months now the factory has been on reduced hours and participating in this thing called 'Work Share'. They went from a five day work week to a four day one and the state unemployment system will pay workers unemployment benefits for the fifth day. Each week that a person draws that one day of unemployment benefits counts as a week on unemployment.

For the past few years I've been with this company I have had many conversations with people who bitched about those unemployed loafers who are a drain on the system stealing the working people's hard earned money through higher taxes. Those same people jumped right on board with the Work Share program because they feel they are entitled to it. They are able bodied workers drawing unemployment. Many of them have expressed how much they love only working four days a week and getting their unemployment check to cover the fifth. They can sit at home and do nothing and still get paid!

I have not signed up for Work Share. I have never drawn unemployment and hope I never find myself in a situation where I feel I have to. It's a personal thing. Yet I am actually in favor of unemployment benefits for people who lose their jobs. Yes, even for ones who only lose a fifth of their job.


rbbergstrom said...

When you say it counts against the number of weeks they've drawn unemployment - do you mean, if they later get laid off, the state will say "you've already had 30 weeks of unemployment, so now you only get a few more"? 'Cause if so, I think they're really setting themselves up for a big problem down the line. It would suck to figure out later that you were only going to get 1/5th the support you thought you were, and most of that at a time when you didn't need it and just pissed it away.

Sounds like you're making the right choice in not getting on the work share program.

Unknown said...

That is exactly what I am saying.