Friday, April 24, 2009

A Clockwork Fnord

There is only one way to stop wars. Refuse to fight them. I am asking people to please stop fighting wars. They are having an ill effect on my health.

At one time I could watch war footage, news coverage, clips, montages, movies, all of it and just get mad about wars. After all, the modern concept of war involves two people behind multiple protective layers getting into an argument and sending people they have little or no real interest for to go shoot the shit out of each other. And the people do it. They get duped into doing it. They get fed some bullshit line about pride or duty or morality or whatever the cause du jour is, they eat it up, and get sent off to either kill or die. Stupid. So I would get mad.

But now images and news sent back from the battle fronts is starting to have a different effect on me. It is making me ill. My stomach starts to churn and I get the faintest twinges of nausea setting in. Like when you aren't certain you've got the flu but your body is starting to show the signs of it. It seems like if I continue to watch for an extended period I will vomit. Like little Alex in A Clockwork Orange as he's going through 'treatment'.

Oddly, I feel like I'd almost be willing to kill to stop it.

So I would really appreciate it if people would stop fighting wars. I'd feel a lot better.

1 comment:

List with Laszlo said...

Oddly, I feel like I'd almost be willing to kill to stop it.This brings to mind a song Slayer had on their Undisputed Attitude CD called Violent Pacification.
The lyrics went, Force you to be nice to each other. Kill you, before you kill each other. Violent Pacification!