Thursday, June 05, 2008

Don't Buy the Hype!

I've already seen a news article from a major news outlet claiming that McCain has a clear lead over Obama in the polls. Released at almost the exact same time from a different source was an article with polling data showing that Obama is the man to beat and McCain has a lot of catching up to do. In other words none of them know jack and are writing stories to fill columns because that is what they get paid to do.

I'm still waiting on the veep choices. I'm not too worried about McCain. He is a party man, a Republican 'yes' man, and he will lie, cheat and steal his way to the White House.

As far as Obama, I fear the worst. There is a possibility he might actually mean what he says. Such Presidents seldom make it through their full first term.

I, on the other hand, only mean about half of what I say and it isn't the half that most people think. My veep choice is my opposite and thus a balancing partner. He lies half the time and it is the half that most people don't think. But at least we're honest about it.

1 comment:

List with Laszlo said...

Polls are nothing more then the media telling you THEIR choice is in the lead so don't bother voting for your choice. They want you to stay home unless you support their guy/gal.

When Ventra won the governor's race in Minnesota the polls showed him dead last and the Democrat WAY in the lead, with the Republican close behind the Democrat.

The reality was Ventua won, the Republican came in 2nd and the Democrat was dead last by a substantial margin. The newspapers had endorsed the Democrat and their polls reflected that.

Polls are propaganda.

Jake you need to start a newspaper or at least get one to endorse you.