Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Clinton + Obama = WTF?

I read the news this morning and stashed it away for later reference. It intrigued me.
Clinton hints at sharing ticket with Obama

Asked on CBS's The Early Show whether she and Obama should be on the same ticket, Clinton said: 'That may be where this is headed, but of course we have to decide who is on the top of ticket. I think the people of Ohio very clearly said that it should be me.'
I wake up, run some errands and flip on the radio. The vipers of liberal talk radio are going crazy ape bonkers over this. OMG! McCain is on easy street. OMG! Clinton and Obama are still fighting. OMG! There is the possibility of a unity ticket. OMG! I left my hybrid double parked across two handicap stall while getting my latte. OMG! The Democrats are going to lose again and I'll have to run back to suburbia crying. Seriously freaking out.

Let me give you a little outside perspective. If politicians were team players they would never get elected. Some jackass will always come along and convince the team player to drop out for the good of the team. They play to win. Yes, if the Democrats were serious about winning the election this year they would have gotten these two into a dark room a few weeks ago, hammered things out, made decisions for them, and emerged with Hillarack! The unstoppable beast. It still might happen.

Which brings me to my second point. Why are Democrats so seriously divided over these two candidates? I've been trying to figure out what the difference is between them. Their platforms are nearly identical with some small bickering over technicalities. Yet there are people who would gladly let Obama use their face as toilet paper but they wouldn't piss on Clinton if she were on fire. Though if she wasn't on fire they almost certainly would piss on her. It's like two huge armies surging against each other for no good reason when what they should really do is kill their masters* and peaceably go home.

I'm still in the race and still vowing an end to as much government as I can get my hands on. I'm not afraid of the Hillarack!

*It's just a metaphor. Do not go out and physically kill a politician. Just kill their careers by refusing to accept their authority. I don't need to become part of the over 1% of adults currently incarcerated in this country.


Anonymous said...

It might still be Obamary...

Unknown said...

Somehow I don't think so. Hillary doesn't seem the type to take a veep position. She allowed herself to be a second to husband Bill during his presidency (and got a lot of flak for her health care push). In her mind she needs to be on top.

Ironically, she would be a shoe in for a Dick Cheney replacement. Imagine her as the shadow government that really calls the shots. She could hand pick the cabinet, push for particular appointees, hold secret meetings and finger people to take the fall when things get bad. She really should consider it. If it is power she wants, that is.

X said...

That's why I want to be VP.

Unknown said...

More power. Less spotlight.