Saturday, October 15, 2005

Fluffers Union!

I found myself lamenting the fact that I haven't heard any really decent music in quite some time. I kept listening to all the suggestions people made of all these really great up and coming underground rockers. They all suck. Seriously. It seems all serious scenesters want to hear music about the banality of growing up sub-urban. Emo- Alterna- Souless- Sack-of-shit rock. I didn't grow up in some bland, colorless suburb. I grew up on a family farm during the Reagan years. I grew up around a grandfather who had been in the meat packer's union and a father in the steel worker's union. Life was dirty and hard and despite everyone's attempts to rose color it, you could always smell the pig shit in town and out. It ain't pretty.

And that's when I remembered that I met a talented young man in Austin, Texas who had a hell of a good band. Fluffers Union will never make it big. Sorry guys, you're just too good to ever be popular. But thanks for taking away my "modern music blues".


X said...

Right on. I'm sick of hearing people whine about the boredom and alienation of the suburbs too. I don't care if you got high and drunk and hung out in your room all day to escape the pain. If a girl rejected me me, or I got beat up at school, I still had to get up at dawn to dig post holes, cut wood and de-burr welds. And you know what? I wouldn't have had it any other way. So I don't want to hear about your bourgeois problems.

X said...
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