Wednesday, June 22, 2011

War on (Some) Drugs

BBC News - Central America drugs war: Clinton pledges more funds
Mrs Clinton said funding for the fight against transnational organised crime in the region would be increased from $260m in 2010 to almost $300m this year.
Or we could legalize all drugs, tax them, generate millions in revenue, and no longer give a rat's ass about foreign drug cartels.

Too simple?


Arlene said...

I believe a simple approach could work. Really don't see how it could make things worse. Let's give it a try.

rbbergstrom said...

It used to be that I thought the vast majority of drugs should be decriminalized because if people have the right to mess themselves up (and clearly, with booze and smokes they do) they might as well be able to do so in whatever way they please.

Then for a short time, I thought perhaps the answer was to outlaw smokes and booze. We'd be healthier and less hypocritical.

Then I returned the decriminalization idea, based on the notion that we could save our nation a lot of money currently spent on arrests and incarceration mainly for "criminals" who harm themselves more than others.

Lately, however, as I read more and more news from Mexico, I realize decriminalization is not enough. I now agree we should legalize all drugs, tax them, maybe even have our government produce them and sell them. That would not only generate money, but also force big cartels to fold. You're right on the spot there, the best way to fight them is to undercut their business. Eliott Ness and the IRS claim the credit, but nothing hurt the mob as much as legalizing booze.