Friday, March 11, 2011

What Do You Mean 'Tunnel Vision'?

Let me start with a disclaimer*: In no way do I mean for this to support one party over another. I offer this as an illustration of how we trap ourselves in the reality tunnels we wish to perceive.

Study this chart. What do you see? Do you draw any conclusions based on this data?

I shared this chart with working class individuals of various political persuasions to get their reactions. As expected, those who tend to favor Democrats see this as 'proof' that Republicans lie about the 'tax and spend' agenda of their favorite party.

Those who favor the Republican party did not respond as I expected. I expected them to dismiss the data, call it misleading, claim that Republican administrations inherited terrible budgets and got it all straightened out just in time for Democrats to come along, take all the credit, and then ruin it all over again. Instead I repeatedly got reactions so coherently summed up by one individual when he said...
Whoa! Obama sure didn't waste any time ruining our economy.
Turns out I have no comprehension of how the conservative mind works. Any ideas for research that can help me better understand this phenomenon?

*A posting that starts off with a disclaimer probably has a hidden agenda, offensive material, or both.


rbbergstrom said...

The choice of a horizontal line to divide Obama and Bush sure is weird. It may be a factor.

Unknown said...

Without the horizontal line I think Obama's tiny vertical thrust would get completely lost in comparison to G. Dub's huge, aggressive vertical thrust. Do not apply subtext to that statement. STOP IT!

Still, it's a fine example of how what the thinker thinks, the prover will prove. Objective data does not exist because it gets filtered through a human nervous system during the collection process. We don't just ignore the data given to us. Our brain can actually filter it out before it ever becomes a threat to our reality tunnel. The brain then accentuates the signals reinforcing 'game rules' we subscribe to.

Some people demonstrate this more acutely than others. While fascinating from a psychological view point, it brings with it a sense of despair. Since 'data' is meaningless in this context, a person hoping to affect change has to brainwash/reprogram such individuals resulting in a just as robotic response but one favorable to their preferred social construct. Or we can take the far harder course of teaching the robot-human how to erase old programs and write its own software.

List with Laszlo said...

There seems to be a correlation between the National Debt and U.S. military activiity. War must cost money.