Saturday, March 06, 2010

Sweden's Socialist Nightmare

The right keeps telling me that Obama is a Socialist trying to change America into a Socialist nation like Sweden. What would that mean?
BBC News - Adjusting to Swedish life after the Andijan massacre

'This place,' says Bahram, shouting somewhat, 'is amazing! You can't imagine! The schools, the hospitals! The way they live! And nothing's done by hand! Even the baking! Even cleaning the street! They have these little carts... you just press a button. The police! They smile at you and say 'Hey!'...

It is another world - a looking glass through which the Uzbeks see themselves and their country.

So even as Sweden amazes and delights Bahram, it breaks his heart. 'If we had just a fragment of this development in Uzbekistan,' he says. 'If I could take just a tiny part of this when I go home...'

'Here in Sweden there are laws,' he says. 'And even the government obeys them! There was a minister who did not pay his TV licence - and he lost his job. Can you imagine? And the way they treat people! We saw a prison and do you know, in the canteen, the prisoners take a tray and chose the food they want. Different salads, meats, yogurt… everything. Fresh! In prison! Oh my lord above!'
Those poor people. How dreadful it must be.

Please, don't let America slip into a Socialist nightmare like modern day Sweden.

1 comment:

List with Laszlo said...

'And even the government obeys them!

Imagine that in the US!