Tuesday, May 03, 2005

This Just in: The Bush Family Knows More Than You

Fortunately, the Jeb Bush klan in Florida has backed down from their attempts at keeping a 13 year old girl from getting an abortion. Story via Reuters.

Now, can anyone in the class tell me what right the government has in determining individual health care decisions regardless of age? Now, this is just a broad interpretation of the tenth amendment to that fine old document called the US Constitution, but I feel pretty certain that it is NONE of their damn business!

And I'll go you one further. Until that kid is squeezed out and the cord snipped, it is part of someone else. If I want to cut off my hand (see "The Bible"), remove an ear (Picasso), pluck out an eye (Bible again), or have my apendix removed (common), the government has no right to intervene. Instead of calling it an abortion, call it a "fetalectomy". Or think of it as removing a cancer that will be a burden on you emotionally and physically for the rest of your life. And don't give me that "sanctity of life" crap. That's a belief system and others are not required to adhere to it. Get used to it.

And as long as I am ranting (wipes foam from around mouth), which is crueler?
A) A 13 year old getting an abortion
B) A 14 year old giving birth
C) Having to listen to me rant

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