Monday, December 28, 2009

Financial Lies

2009: Wall Street bounced back, Main Street got shafted
But if 2009 has proved anything, it's that the bailout of Wall Street didn't trickle down to Main Street. Mortgage delinquencies continue to rise. Small businesses can't get credit. And people everywhere, it seems, are worried about losing their jobs. Wall Street is the only place where money is flowing and pay is escalating. Top executives and traders on the Street will soon be splitting about $25 billion in bonuses (despite Goldman Sachs' decision, made with an eye toward public relations, to defer bonuses for its 30 top players).
What utter crap. Blatant liberal media lies. At least 10% of Americans are not worried about losing their jobs because they have no job to lose.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Think Green, Think Condoms

I think this makes the Pope one of the world's leading contributors to global climate change.
Contraception is 'greenest' technology

Are condoms and birth control pills more cost effective than windmills and solar panels as tools to curb global warming?

Yes, and by a wide margin, contends a recent study from the London School of Economics asserting that family planning is nearly five times more cost effective in mitigating global warming emissions than green energy technologies like wind and solar power.

Each $7 spent on basic family planning over the next four decades would reduce global CO2 emissions by more than a ton. To achieve the same result with low-carbon technologies would cost a minimum of $32. The UN estimates that 40 percent of all pregnancies worldwide are unintended.
Is it possible that my vasectomy more than offsets the global footprint of my old gas guzzling truck? It may even offset my contributions to deforestation through the manufacture of saw chain. I'm a lean, green, baby-stopping and carbon reducing machine!

Contraception for all, and to all a green life! Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Change it Again, Uncle Sam

Obama promised change. People liked that idea and voted for him. Now a whole bunch of the liberals who voted for change via Obama have gotten upset because he has not changed direction, just speed.

A minor misunderstanding.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Bank of the Americas Pay Back

Bank Of America Repays $45B In Bailout Funds : NPR
Bank of America Corp. said Wednesday it has repaid the entire $45 billion it owed U.S. taxpayers as part of the Troubled Asset Relief Program.
If the government would have bailed me out to the tune of $45 billion I would have gladly repaid them 99.9% of it the very next day.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Death by Prescription

Overdose deaths from painkillers skyrocketing in Ontario: report - The Globe and Mail
Painkillers are causing twice the number of overdose deaths in Ontario than they were two decades ago, a precedent-setting study has found. Most of the people these opioid-related drugs are killing got them through a prescription and had seen a doctor in the month before they died...

The study found prescription opioids kill, on average, 300 people in Ontario each year. HIV/AIDS, by comparison, kills 100 people annually; H1N1 has killed 100 people in Ontario so far. Other illicit drugs cause few overdose deaths by comparison.
Because 'prescription' means safe. Because 'Doctor recommended' means 'no worries'.

Opioids are hard core drugs. They also work extremely well. As most heroin addicts will attest to, there ain't nothin' in the world another fix won't cure.

Relatively small study, though. Just Ontario. Still, it means that prescription opioids killed more people in one Canadian city last year than marijuana killed world wide last century. How many of those people who were prescribed that medication would have been better off had they received a non-lethal medication?

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Losing Faith

Even the Wall Street Journal admits that our money means very little.
James Grant Mourns the Loss of the Gold Standard -

In ancient times, the solidus circulated far and wide. But it was a tangible thing, a gold coin struck by the Byzantine Empire. Between Waterloo and the Great Depression, the pound sterling ruled the roost. But it was convertible into gold—slip your bank notes through a teller's window and the Bank of England would return the appropriate number of gold sovereigns. The dollar is faith-based. There's nothing behind it but Congress.

But now the world is losing faith, as well it might. It's not that the dollar is overvalued—economists at Deutsche Bank estimate it's 20% too cheap against the euro. The problem lies with its management. The greenback is a glorious old brand that's looking more and more like General Motors.

Thursday, December 03, 2009

What I Like About the Obama Crowd

What makes the liberal base better than the conservative base?
Barack Obama -

Tom Hayden, the liberal activist best known for his work in the '60s, when he helped found Students for a Democratic Society, was once pretty enthusiastic about Barack Obama. Back in March of 2008 he had the first byline on an article in the Nation -- also attributed to Bill Fletcher Jr., Danny Glover and Barbara Ehrenreich -- that began, "All American progressives should unite for Barack Obama."

Now, though, after the president announced his decision to send an additional 30,00 troops to fight in Afghanistan, Hayden's had enough. His latest piece for the Nation begins with a very different sentiment than the one he expressed not two years ago. Now, Hayden says, "It's time to strip the Obama sticker off my car."
Conservatives got Bush elected and, on average, spent the next eight years standing up for all of the crap he did even when it went completely against the conservative values they had initially said Bush stood for. The acted as buffers for the crimes of a mad man.

The liberal base pushed hard for Obama, got him elected, and then felt screwed. While some do apologize for his sad excuse for a liberal agenda*, plenty feel betrayed and have withdrawn their support. Too little too late, perhaps. But at least they admit to getting suckered. We all get suckered now and again. People of integrity admit it.

* Even I will stand up for Obama. Like when right wing tea bagger nut jobs call him a Marxist, I stand up for the guy and let them know that Obama has shown as much love for big business capitalism as Reagan did.